Frederick C. Graff is one of the leading artist/educators in the field of watercolor today. He is a
signature member of all three major watercolor societies: American Watercolor Society “Dolphin Fellow”;
National Watercolor Society; and Transparent Watercolor Society of America “Distinguished Master”. His diverse approach to watercolor painting has continued to attract individual and corporate collectors.
Upon graduation from Miami University, Fred studied privately with the late Franklin A. Bates. Fred has conducted numerous watercolor workshops, demonstrations, and critiques throughout the United States, France, and China, where he had a one-man exhibition in Qingdao, China. His work has been featured in Watercolor Techniques for Releasing the Creative Spirit; Creative Watercolor Workshop, International Artist Magazine, Watercolor Artist Magazine in addition to other publications.
• Open to any artist age 18 and up.
• Artists may submit 1-2 original works created in the last 2 years, which have not previously been exhibited at the Blue Ridge Arts Center main gallery.
- General Entry: $35.00
- BRAC Members: $30.00
- Students: $20.00
Entry fee covers 1-2 entries and is due when entry is submitted. Entry fee is non-refundable. Proceeds fund BRAC operating expenses.
Any 2D or 3D media is welcome.
2D Works:
- Work must be securely framed and wired.
- Standard canvases must be framed. Gallery wrapped canvases may be unframed, if all edges are finished/painted.
3D Works:
- Must sit solidly or be mounted for hanging.
- Artwork must require no assembly.
- Jewelry must be presented in a shadow box.
- Best in Show: $1000
- 2nd Place: $500
- 3rd Place: $300
- Paul Dohr Award: $200
- Honorable Mention (2): $50
REQUIRED: Complete Entry Paperwork Online By:
- Thursday, January 5 at 5:00pm
- Submit Online
Drop-off Work for Jurying:
- Friday, January 6: 1:00-4:00pm
- Saturday, January 7: 10:00am-1:00pm
Jury Notification: January 11
Pick-Up of Unaccepted Work:
- Friday, January 13: 1:00-4:00pm
- Saturday, January 14: 10:00am-1:00pm
Exhibition on View:
- RECEPTION: January 20 (5:30-7:00 pm)
- ON VIEW: January 20 – February 24, 2023
- Wednesday-Friday: 1:00-4:00pm
- Saturday: 10:00am-1:00pm
End of Show Pick-Up (no early pick-ups):
- Saturday, February 25: 10:00am-4:00pm
- Artists may offer their work for sale.
- BRAC will retain a 35% sales commission.
- Work must remain for the duration of the show. No early pick-ups.